
Showing posts from June, 2020

Lockdown Learnings

A mandatory lockdown post... Lessons learnt, discoveries made, courses corrected, myths debunked, fears dispelled- lockdown you did so much for me.  No, I did not take up an online course but learnt a few lessons in tolerance and patience. I learnt how to function with limited resources. I learnt how a few bags of nervous systems can live together in perfect harmony with strategically placed keep-quiets and speak-ups. I learnt how we can still continue with the journey despite a lot of by-passes being blocked. I learnt how we can still function like a well-oiled machine with a few dependencies going kaput. I discovered that I had so much in my kitchen and my wardrobes. I discovered the uses of so many spices I didn’t know the names of. I discovered that I had a hidden love for board games and storytelling. I discovered that I had too much that I didn’t want. I also discovered that I can cook after all. I corrected my path, I changed my course. I now know where I...